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Courses and Seminars

Skills Courses


The SET Program training requirements for courses are as follows: 

  • CCrISP® Requirement: Satisfactorily complete the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient Course 
  • EMST Requirement: Satisfactorily complete the Early Management of Severe Trauma Course 

These skills courses are run by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

Download Training Program Regulations here 

Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient Course (CCrISP®)

The CCrISP® course must be completed prior to or during Basic Training. Trainees are advised to register as soon as is practical after appointment. The CCrISP® course assists doctors in developing simple, useful skills for managing critically ill patients, and promotes the coordination of multidisciplinary care where appropriate. The course encourages trainees to adopt a system of assessment to avoid errors and omissions, and uses relevant clinical scenarios to reinforce the objectives. Registration and delivery of the course is managed by the RACS with a fee charged. Trainees who have satisfactorily completed an above course or a RACS recognised equivalent to the course, may be eligible for recognition of prior learning for this component.

View the CCrISP® course dates, registration and fee information here 

Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST)

The EMST course must be completed prior to or during Intermediate Training. Trainees are advised to register as soon as is practical after appointment.  The EMST course is concerned with the management of injury victims in the first hour or two following injury, which emphasises a systematic clinical approach. It has been tailored from the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) course of the American College of Surgeons. The course is designed for all doctors who are involved in the early treatment of serious injuries in urban or rural areas, whether or not sophisticated emergency facilities are available.  Registration and delivery of the course is managed by the RACS with a fee charged.

Trainees who have satisfactorily completed an above course or a RACS recognised equivalent to the course, may be eligible for recognition of prior learning for this component.

View the EMST course dates, registration and fee information here 

Critical Literature Evaluation and Research (CLEAR)

This course was discontinued as a compulsory part of the SET Program from 5 February 2024. 

Training Seminars


The SET Program training requirements for training seminars are as follows: 

    • Training Seminar Requirement: Satisfactorily participate in all scheduled Training Seminars while undertaking active Clinical Terms as part of the SET Program 

    The Training Seminars are ran by the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia and the topics focus on different subspecialty areas of practice. There is a fee during 2024 of $550 (including GST) for attendance for each Training Seminar, which is waived for trainees who are members of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. The program and registration details for each Training Seminar are emailed to trainees.

    The Training Seminar Requirement for each Training Seminar held will be recorded as Unsatisfactory if:

    • the trainee does not attend the Training Seminar or part thereof without special consideration being granted; or 
    • the trainee does not present at the Training Seminar if requested; or 
    • the trainee does not submit the presentation and/or abstract by the due date if requested; or
    • the trainee does not present for an examination held as part of the Training Seminar as required; or 
    • the trainee does not pay the fee for attendance (if required); or 
    • attendance at the Training Seminar was deemed unsatisfactory by the Training Board Chair or nominee. 

    A Performance Improvement Notice  or an Unsatisfactory Performance Notice will be issued if the Training Seminar Requirement is Unsatisfactory.

    Dates and Topics 2024

    The dates, topics and venues for the 2024 Training Seminars are as follows:

    • Training Seminar 1: Paediatrics – Melbourne– 8am Wednesday, 13 March to 5pm Thursday, 14 March 2024 
    • Training Seminar 2: Neurovascular - Adelaide -8am Wednesday, 20 November to 5pm Thursday, 21 November 2024 

    Fees for Training Seminars for 2024 

    • Registration Fee for NSA Members (Trainees and SIMGs with a valid RACS specialist assessment): $0 
    • Registration Fee for SET Trainees (non NSA Members): $AUD550
    • Registration Fee for SIMGs with a valid RACS specialist assessment  (non NSA Members): $AUD1,100 
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